
Showing posts from May, 2006

Functional/Acceptance Testing Using guitest

Introdution guitest ( by Gintautas Miliauskas is a helper library for unit-testing GUI applications written in Python. In this article I will demonstrate how to test a PyGTK application. This article assume you are familiar with ``unittest`` module and unit testing. Installation The latest version 0.3.1 released on 2005-11-26 is available from here: . Invoke `python install` to install the library into the local python's site-packages directory. Alternatively you may simply copy the guitest subdirectory to your project's main source directory. Getting Started Consider this example :: import gtk class HelloWorld(object): def __init__(self): self.window = gtk.Window() self.button = gtk.Button("Hello") self.window.add(self.button) self.window.show_all() def main(self): gtk.main() if __name__ == '__main__':

What to write?!

For the last one month I didn't wrote anything here. I have always wondered how some peoples write long matters in journal/blog. Is it just like composing reply to a technical mail. Do they feel the pain of creativity. I usually read python, gnome and ubuntu planets. I like new ideas in programming, technology also I read humor and philosophy. I think most of the planets didn't restrict topics. Some of them writes highly technical stuff only, some writes about life some writes what's happening everywhere else. Well, it is something like this, a type is declared "int me1;", "float me2;". Yes some people sometimes upcast or downcast their values :) And there are few dynamically typed journals/blogs and I like those very much, the first example I can point is Guido's blog ( So a "Pythonic blog is always dynamically typed" :) What is your favorite dynamically typed blog/journal?