Bangalore Python Conference
(Disclaimer: This is not an official announcement/news) BangPypers [1] is planning a "Bangalore Python Conference" [2] in next February or March. According to Ramdas from DevelopeIQ, there are at least 5000 Pythonistas in Bangalore [3]. This may be true, I know there are two scientific talks going to happen in my near by place, (but I won't be attending it, I am not a scientific guy). Those scientific talks uses Python at "FOSS in Science" (National Workshop on Free Software in Science) on 4-6 January, 2007 [4] (Venue: Union Christian College, Alwaye, Kochi, Kerala) a. Scientific Computing and Data Visualization using Python -Dr. Prabhu Ramachandran, IIT Bombay [5] b. Experimental Physics with Phoenix -Mr. Pramode C.E [6] I think there are many Python programmers all over India. May be we need an "Indian Python Conference" soon. [1] [2] [3] http://tech.groups