First look at test layers from zope.testing
Recently Zope team has released zope.testing version 3.0 .
For more info :
To install : # easy_install zope.testing
This is an independent testing framework which can be used outside Zope.
One of the interesting feature is test layers. I think next Zope 3 release (3.4)
will make use test layers heavily, so I started looking at this feature.
The test layer API is here:
I will show you a simple example.
First a '':
Then '':
The only thing to note here is the 'layer' attribute of 'TestHello' class.
We can add 'setUp' and 'tearDown' methods to 'FirstLayer' class.
Now create a script, '':
When running the script, you will get something like:
For more info :
To install : # easy_install zope.testing
This is an independent testing framework which can be used outside Zope.
One of the interesting feature is test layers. I think next Zope 3 release (3.4)
will make use test layers heavily, so I started looking at this feature.
The test layer API is here:
I will show you a simple example.
First a '':
def hello():
return 'Hello'
Then '':
import hello
import unittest
class FirstLayer(object):
class TestHello(unittest.TestCase):
layer = FirstLayer
def test_hello(self):
assert hello.hello() == 'Hello'
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite((unittest.makeSuite(TestHello)))
The only thing to note here is the 'layer' attribute of 'TestHello' class.
We can add 'setUp' and 'tearDown' methods to 'FirstLayer' class.
Now create a script, '':
import sys
from zope.testing import testrunner
defaults = ['--test-path', '.', '--tests-pattern', 'tests$',]
When running the script, you will get something like:
Running tests.FirstLayer tests:
Set up tests.FirstLayer in 0.000 seconds.
Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
Tear down tests.FirstLayer in 0.000 seconds.