
Showing posts from March, 2007

I am in three planets now!

My journal feed had already added to (also in unofficial long back. Now I send request to Zope and Plone planets to add my feed. Thanks to planet admins for adding me to their planets. For Zope and Plone planets I have added my filtered feed which only contains topics related to Zope 3 (sometimes Python also). Well, I will introduce myself here. I am Baiju M, a relatively new Zope 3 developer from Kerala [1] . Previously I have worked for Free Software Foundation of India (as a Job) in 2002-2003. After that I worked as a Koha [2] consultant for few months. Then I joined a startup company based in Calicut (Kerala). I introduced them to Python, we were mainly doing PyGTK [3] based enterprise applications. Three months back I joined ZeOmega [4], a Zope based company. [1] [2] [3] [4]

Ugadi, Weekend, Office, Zope 3, Buildout

I thought just to write something now. Today is Ugadi [1], a few days back only I heard this word. This is a festival in Karnataka and some other parts of Deccan region of India. I am from Kerala [2], we have a similar festival coming up in next month called Vishu [3] . So happy Ugadi to all ! . Today is leave for my company [4], so we got 3 days consecutive leave. I could have gone to my home, but for some reason I postponed it to next week. One reason is that my wife's final year exam is starting today, so I though let she study :) Remember my last post about Zope 3 [5], I wrote there that Zope 3 is evolving. Today morning I came to office to explore Zope 3 and Buildout. (I don't yet have a laptop, so office is the only place where I can do some coding) I am sitting alone in this big office now, oh! what a silence !! Today I manged to run a Zope 3 application solely from egg [6] Oh! I cannot write anymore, I think I am feeling loneliness now. Hmm.. better to go to

Zope 3 is evolving !

Zope 3.4 alpha 1 release is planned in first week of April, 2007 [1]. Zope 3.4 release will be based on eggs and buildouts. So you can use the individual parts without using the whole Zope 3. Suppose you want to use 'zope.interface', just 'easy_install zope.interface' will do it for you. And if you want 'zope.component' [2], use 'easy_install zope.component'. And there are many packages like this which does not requires the whole Zope 3 (eg: zope.event, zope.deferredimport, zope.testing, zope.testbrowser etc.). Most of them are available from PyPI now ! And zc.buildout [3] is going to change how we develop and deploy Zope 3. If I want to modify (new feature/bug fix) zope.testbrowser I need not to checkout the whole Zope 3 and start coding, rather I can checkout zope.testbrowser and run 'buildout' command. It will setup an environment where I can start working. After 3.4 release, individual packages will be having it's own release cycle