
Showing posts from August, 2011

New location for Python Testing Tools Taxonomy

Python Testing Tools Taxonomy page hosted at was a great collection of links to Python testing tools, libraries and frameworks. It is maintained by Testing in Python (TIP) community members. The page has been moved to Python wiki for convenience of maintaining it. The new wiki page is here: Feel free to add/update your favorite testing tools there!

Python 3 books

It looks like, the number of Python books which exclusively cover Python 3 is increasing. A Byte of Python by Swaroop C H Dive Into Python 3 by Mark Pilgrim Programming in Python 3 by Mark Summerfield Python 3 Object Oriented Programming Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science by John M. Zelle, Ph.D. Programming Python by Mark Lutz Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3 from Wikibooks Please comment here, if you find any other book.

Good bye LiveJournal, Hello Blogger

I started using LiveJournal in 2004. It was a great blogging platform back in 2004. But now a days I am finding it very difficult to use. So I am changing my main blog from LiveJournal to Blogger. My new blog URL is I have migrated all my old posts to the new blog. I have send mail to Planet-Python & Planet-India editors to update my blog feed URL. If anybody else subscribed to my feed, please use my new feed URL: (This will bring any Python related blog posts to your reader)