Firefox bookmark for ZCA reference lookup !

Last week, Kent Tenney send me a cool Firefox trick for ZCA reference lookup.
His suggestions helped me to improve English style and usage in that book (Thanks Kent!).
With this cool trick you can go to a reference section just typing 'zca ' follwed by the word all in small letters.

I am quoting his message as such:

I just created a Firefox bookmark with the following properties:

Name: Zope Component Architecture
Keywork: zca

Now, when I type in the Firefox location bar:
zca getadapter

I'm taken to the reference for that method.


Kent, I reused this nice trick for another purpose also :)
To render reST page as HTML you can create a bookmark like this:

Name: reST to HTML
Keywork: r2h

Thanks to team ! Now whenever I see a reST file online, I just prefix it with 'rst ',
this gives me a nice HTML page !

Text below is for my Kerala friends:

എല്ലാ കേരളീയര്‍ക്കും എന്റെ കേരളപ്പിറവി ആശംസകള്‍ !

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