IMHO, every Python community member should try to promote Python 3. I know there are criticisms about Python 3 -- whatever it is, " Python 3 is the present and future of the language ". Constructive criticisms should be welcomed and that should lead to better Python 3.x releases. As a community member what we can do to promote Python 3 ? I am looking forward to your thoughts on this. Please write your comments here or you can write it in your blog and leave a link here. Before giving any new suggestions, let me check what are the small things that I have tried. In the beginning of 2011, I have created a website with the help of other community members to increase the adoption of Python 3 by collecting issues in a central location. That idea didn't worked well, then I dropped that project. I have given a lightning talk about that project during PyCon 2011 in Atlanta . I have tried to use Python 3 for my personal projects and written blogs about my experience .
The Sixth edition of PyCon India is being held in Bangalore,India from 26th September 2014 to 28th September 2014. The organizers of PyCon India 2014 are looking for talk and workshop proposals to fill the formal presentation and workshop tracks. We accept proposals on a very broad range of topics related to Python programming. Submit your proposal here:
Yesterday was the last date for submitting proposals. Now we have 143 proposals, which includes workshops and regular talks. Now it's time for voting and commenting. Everyone can participate in this process. You are welcome to provide feedback to the speakers about their proposals. Your feedback through comments will help the speakers to improve the proposal. I think it will be a challenging task for the selection committee to come up with a final list of talks. I have proposed two talks, but I prefer to present the second one - about pytest. Pytest is my favourite testing tool. Please let me know your suggestions about this talk.