PyCON India 2009 (Day 1)

I just reached home from IISc where PyCON India 2009 is going on.  It was a wonderful day.  There was attendees from all over India, I met people from Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kerala etc.  It looks like more 300 people came today (I don't know the exact number).  The session was started with the keynote by Prabhu Ramachandran.   I couldn't attend his full keynote, because my Buildout talk was the next, which was scheduled in the second room.

I got some feedback about my talk, if you have any comment, please write here!  Those who using Python, only very few use Buildout now.  I think Buildout should have some more love & marketing to attract developers.   After my talk, I attended few other talks.  I also got a chance to walk in the beautiful campus during lunch time with my new colleagues (trainees) in ZeOmega.  They are very new Python, I hope they are enjoying the sessions.

I liked the talk "Test Driven Development in Python" by Siddharta Govindaraj.  He gave very nice overview of TDD with a simple "palindrome" checking program.  He also provided good overview & comparison of unittest,py.test & nose.

I think Django is helping to spread Python in India also.  I felt the same thing at Chicago during PyCON 2009.  I could see many people talking, discussing or mentioning about Django everywhere.  I also mentioned about Django & Django recipe during my Buildout talk :)

I also met some of my SMC friends during the event.  They are worried about the changes going on in Unicode related to Malayalam.  Some developers really frustrated and stopped contributing to Malayalam computing.  Also they are not happy about GNOME moving from GNU Libc locale data to Unicode locale data.  SMC has achieved a lot of things so far, to get some idea about their work, there will be 10+ Malayalam related packages in the next Fedora release.  GNOME & KDE now officially support Malayalam from last few releases.  BTW, tomorrow Santhosh Thottingal, one of the main contributor to SMC will be presenting about Silpa, a Python based application for all Indian languages.

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