PyCON Day 2 & 3

On second day I attended two tutorials specific to Python 3.  I am realizing more and more that Python 3 is really a simple & cool language.  I want to start at least one project in Python 3.  After announcing the site, the site started getting more feedback.

On third day (First day conference) I attended the keynote by Hilary Mason. Later we moved to the expo hall, ZeOmega has one booth. I was there in the booth for some time.  I also attended two talks: Pylons project talk and Flask talk.  During lunch time I got a chance to speak to Matthias Klose

In the evening we went for a dinner organized by PSF for sponsors and core developers. During dinner Brad introduced me to Barry Warsaw and Guido.  We also talked to some other folks there.  The dinner was arranged a in hotel near by georgia aquarium and CNN.  The night looked very nice and it as very cool.

Today I woke up early morning as I had registered for a lightning talk about site.  I hope it went well.

Now listening to Guido's special Keynote.

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